

So I'm...Grateful

So I'm...Grateful

 “When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears.”— Anthony Robbins

 “When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears.”— Anthony Robbins

All my life I was always grateful for the things I had, a roof over my head, a check that came in the mail, a job, but It was never a lifestyle. It wasn't something I practiced everyday. Being grateful is always easy when things are going good, but can I find gratitude in the bad things. When bad things are happening it's hard to see the gifts it may be showing us.

  • I've lost a business. I can now see my mistakes and start over.

  • I had to deal with some people with really bad attitudes or negative thinking. I'm grateful I can see this as an example of who I don't want to be. 

  • Not getting the big payoff I wanted when I wanted it. I'm super grateful now that I didn't at the time. 

See my higher power has a plan for me and I have 100% faith in all that happens.  

I can only see this now because Christmas last year a friend gave me the greatest gift that has changed my life.  It was a  book and it was pink (not my favorite color) and it said something like 'Today I am Thankful' on the cover. I wasn't expecting a gift and I was grateful to receive it but honestly what was I going to do with another journal. I have this habit of collecting books and filling up a few pages then they collect dust more than my thoughts. 

So after a week or two I placed this book by my bedside and realized all I had to do is write 3 things I'm  grateful for daily, this should be easy, I mean I'm in Australia and I'm grateful for that. So it began, everyday I would write and everyday I would feel better. I made it a part of my morning routine, make coffee and write. I tried doing this with my partner at the time and I would suggest to write in separate books because on the not so good days it could be a way to be passive aggressive with the other person. 

I didn't get many gifts for Christmas but I have to say this is by far the best one ever, I have written in this book almost everyday since January, and when I don't write in it I see the difference:  

  • The poor me mentality kicks in.

  • Why did this happen to me?

  • Anger and self doubt creep up. 

And it's not that I forget, doing a gratitude list daily shifts your mind towards positivity and our left brain does not want that. Our mind naturally wants to go into protective mode and say, don't do this or try that or you need more. 

Having an Attitude of Gratitude takes practice and can stop negative thought patterns.  

So I'm...Grateful

Everyday, and I write it down.  


i just bought myself a new book, and it's just a regular book with an elephant on it and it's turquoise (another not my favorite color) and it will serve as my new daily gratitude book. And I LOVE IT. Thank you Di for this wonderful gift you gave me.

Love & Serenity,



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